We’ve got your back.

Americans voted for jobs - not mass firings, billionaire privilege, or dictators’ assaults on free countries. Over the past few weeks, the Trump administration has attempted to wear down Americans by shock, overload, and coercion.  “Do not go against us, do not question us, or we will retaliate.”

This is not an administration of choice, justice, or freedom. The Trump administration is circumventing the laws of this country and has – over the past few weeks – successfully engaged in unconstitutional acts which fully seek to undermine the integrity of this nation.

Enough is enough.

We are sending a message that there are Americans out there unwilling to accept the stripping away of their freedom for profit. We are not going to sit down while lives are threatened. We’re going to stand by the people by our sides - regardless of administrative “orders.”

”The only reason you wouldn’t want change is if the current system benefits you.”

Does it benefit you?

we aren’t asking for much.

  • Protection of civil rights

    Last we checked, throwing people in prisons, killing them for being different, and creating a system which only benefits the elite sounds pretty screwed up. We’re standing up for our fellow human beings.

  • Accountability

    You should not be able to dismiss charges against you, funnel money to your pet projects, and commit various felonies without consequences. There is a system of checks and balances for a reason. Politicians and those they are enabling need to be held accountable.

  • Supporting Americans/Allies

    Health care should not be a subscription service. Federal aid should not be dismantled to fund for-profit programs. Federal workers are not “waste.” Letting our allies die for the sake of profits should not be encouraged.